The Art of the Class - a mentorship program
Sundays from 11:30am to 3:3opm
March 5, Mar 19, April 2, 2023
Join Daniel Max and Einat Peled-Katz for an opportunity to further develop your teaching.
This program is designed to support yoga teacher training graduates. The intent of this study group is to develop your teaching skills and to bring yoga teachers together in a community setting. As fulfilling as teaching yoga can be, many of us find ourselves flying solo with few opportunities to receive feedback or to connect with other yoga teachers about our teaching experiences.
Our work will predominantly center around seeing and responding to what you see through choice of language and quality of touch.
A 3-week Inversions workshop at Artemis Yoga
Saturdays, 1-2:15pm
Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11 2023
Past Events
Bend without Breaking - A Heart Opening Workshop
with Einat and Masaaki Okamura
October 20, HYP Studio Needham
Back Bends demand a sense of control over the different sections of the back body in order to experience it more fully and subtly. And the result? they don't call them heart openers for nothing! Back bends invigorate the nervous system, elevate and brighten our mood, and help us advance our practice.
In this workshop we will learn how to access heart opening and go further and deeper in your practice while keeping the spine free from pain and injury.
We will move vigorously to prepare the body with both the required strength and flexibility of core, shoulders and hips, and then take a look at the inner workings and anatomy of a proper back bend through discussion, couple work, and demonstration.
We will also consider the appropriate philosophical ideas that can be applied here for some deeper self study, i.e. what can you take off your mat from studying back bends. Armed with this knowledge we will start with the more ubiquitous poses like urdvha danurasana (wheel), and ustrasana (camel) and from there progress to tackle others such as viparita dandasana and eka pada raj kapotasana variations with joy and playfulness.
Stretch and Restore Yoga with Live Cello Music
with Einat Peled-Katz and Loren Winters with musical accompaniment by Rachel Barringer
On The Mat Yoga Studio
Sunday, May 19th 6:00pm-7:30pm
Tickets: $30
Special Bach and Flow Benefit for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, November 2017
To receive the latest updates on my upcoming workshops subscribe to my email list or follow me on social media.